Quality and Innovation


LA PILA FOOD, S.A. it is synonymous with quality and food safety. We have always strived pursued this objective: quality in raw materials, homologous to all our suppliers, quality in processes with maximum vigilance and following them; as well as the quality on the finished product with one priority: to get the satisfaction and confidence of the client.

Proof of a strict elaboration that guarantees the maximum security in the products manufactured is that La Pila Food is certified by the IFS (International Food Standard) norm, thus reinforcing the satisfaction of the client, giving rigorous compliance to all the required specifications.

LA PILA FOOD S.A. every day continuous improvement works through actions aimed at obtaining the highest possible quality of both the processes and the manufactured products.


That is why the Research and Development is a Department that from La Pila Food, S.A. spoil as a testbed for new containers, cuts, sizes and flavors, and through which we also try to differentiate ourselves from our competitors, always trying to stay one step ahead of them. Thus, in this facet, we join our experience with professionals with a long career in the industry, along with a continuous observation of market trends, both in Spain and outside Spain, renovating in some cases, or new products, exclusive on many occasions and national market leaders.

All this focus on building loyalty among final consumers with our brand, making them feel attracted to our specialties, which will certainly help in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

In recent years we are developing and implementing continuous improvements in our production processes, ever more mechanized and committed with RTD + i, with the ultimate objective of providing solutions to our customers.

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